Talk To Frank

Free, friendly, confidential advice on alcohol and drugs, smoking and addiction. The website has an A-Z of drugs including slang and related terms used for them. Talk to Frank if you are 'under the influence' or worried about a child, family member or friend that is. Lots of helpful information on the website.


03001 236600
Mobile: 82111

Service Details

Additional Information
If you want to talk, you can call FRANK 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 03001 236600 or text a question to 82111 and FRANK will text you back. Alternatively you can confidentially chat online or email.
Referral information
Self referral.
Age Range Details
0 - 19 and adults
It is recommended that you always check with providers that their service meets your requirements and that any listed activities are still running before you attend. The Dorset Family Information Service does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information or the suitability of any of the services described.