Milton Abbey School

Independent School. Milton Abbey School is a small, co-educational boarding and day school. Our education challenges and stretches each pupil in a caring and supportive environment. Our philosophy develops every girl and boy into fully rounded young people academically, culturally and spiritually. Our mission is to find the spark that will light a passion, whether in the classroom, on the games field or in the theatre. It could be at the School farm, as a passion for the countryside and outdoor education are key features at Milton Abbey.


01258 880484


Venue address
Milton Abbey School
Blandford Forum
DT11 0BZ
North Dorset

Service Details

Additional Information
Headteacher : Judith Fremont-Barnes. We also have a dedicated Sixth Form Prospectus. For further information, see website.
Related Links
See the latest independent school inspection report
Age Range
13 years 0 months to 18 years 11 months
It is recommended that you always check with providers that their service meets your requirements and that any listed activities are still running before you attend. The Dorset Family Information Service does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information or the suitability of any of the services described.

Journey Planner

Address: Milton Abbey School  Blandford Forum  Dorset